A good relationship between employers and employees can lead to higher productivity, less employee resignations, boosted job satisfaction rates and morale amongst employees. Our clients in this practice area include many companies as well as public sector employers.
Our experienced team advises on how to manage these employment relationships and other similar relationships, such as relationship between a company and its Managing Director. Our services cover the entire field of employment law from contract drafting to dispute resolution. Our employment team has extensive experience in working in co-operation with our client’s within various industries.
We advise our clients, for example, in the following matters:
- cooperation procedures;
- collective agreements related issues;
- entering into and terminating of employment relationships;
- pension issues;
- planning and executing various personnel benefit programs and incentive schemes;
- restructurings and re-organisations;
- workplace investigations and criminal proceedings; and
- solving different kinds of disputes in all relevant courts and arbitration tribunals.
Pekka Kiviniemi
+358 50 5911 088